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Release into Love Ceremony

  • 7Steps


This Release Ceremony was developed for women who are beginning their journey into the release of emotions, situations, experiences that no longer serve them. There is a significant amount of work that goes into creating this container so please, ensure that you have ways of nourishing yourself and additional resources available through our time together. I recommend setting some intentions around the next week. This exploration is about being mindful of not only what we are releasing but also what our intentions are. Take this in and focus with deep awareness around what is happening for you. You are allowed stop: I highly recommend that you stop if it is too much. I will always re-register you. Go at your own pace and feel through the days. Getting it done is not the goal - experiencing it is. Emotions happen: Often by surprise, we find ourselves in tears. Those tears contain so much that needed to be acknowledged. Release those sweet one. Cry them out and honour all that you have held inside. Take some time to nourish yourself, to honour your beauty, your willingness, your courage. Take time and go slow. The opposite may also be true. You may go through this ceremony and feel nothing. Be ok with this as well. There is quite a lot of us who don't experience the ripples until well after. I am here: I am always here and offer a no charge one on one session to help you navigate. from my juicy middle to yours, S

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