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the legacy project

An Immersive Experience for Evolving Professionals 

Legacy is deeper than your financial success

The Legacy Project is an immersive experience that invites ambitious professionals to make extraordinary and meaningful changes in their lives, the lives of those around them and the lives of those who come after them.

My immersive approach gives you the freedom to reconnect with forgotten parts of yourself and discover meaningful ways to incorporate these longings into the world.

Through deep guidance and support, this simple yet profound experience can be thought of much like an initiation but combines talk-focused therapy with somatic practices, creative languages, and ritual-based practices. This multifaceted process honours your multi-dimensional identity, stories, and aspirations for depth and meaning.

Embark on a path to redefine what success means to you, reconnect with what you left behind, and integrate those parts back into your story. This unique experience will help you forge new connections with those you love and rediscover your passions.

We don't promise specific outcomes but rather offer a foundation for transformative practice.

By liberating yourself from the constraints of expectation and replacing them with curiosity and slowness, you will find new ways of being in the world, you will understand the meaning of the well-worn paths that brought you here…now.

This immersive program is not for everyone. We do require some foundational pieces to be in place before beginning this work. Book your foundation call today to determine if this program is right for you. Some early-stage commitments for our two different retreat options:


  • This program is in person only.

  • You will need either 4 days away from work and family or to commit to Monday Mornings for 6 weeks.

  • You will have to travel to remote Ontario, Canada if meeting in retreat.

  • You will have to meet in the westend of Toronto at a Wellness Studio

  • These are one-on-one experiences for now.

This multifaceted process that will honour your identity, story, and aspirations for personal growth.

We cultivate a space where we are able to speak about desires, passions, and pleasures. We gently coax them out of the shadows and hold the longing for them in deep honour. We integrate what desperately needs expression into your path forward in healthy and trustfilled ways.

You will develop a practice of truly connect in and begin to trust yourself, feel confident in your decisions, and develop goals that are aligned with the multiple layers and parts of who you are.

You will be able to hold onto grief and trauma in new ways that feel right and true rather than letting grief and trauma dictate who you are. You will learn how to take deep breaths in areas of your life that have been filled with loss.

We develop an emotional action plan that enables a legacy practice that is deeply connected to what is most important in your life and what you desire to grow and expand into.

OUR Experiences

I was in an open air fruit market and found this large beautiful pomegranate. It's deep re

~Internal Family Systems ~Grief Certified ~Cognititive Behaviour ~Desire & Pleasure Coach

Experiential Talk Modalities

Drops of Water

~Meditation ~Trauma Release Exercises ~Polyvagal Practices ~Movement Rituals ~Pleasure Rituals & Experiences

Somatic Connections


~Journaling practices ~Movement Rituals ~Art Exploration ~Immersive Desire Projects

Creative Discovery

Bridge into the Woods

~Ritual Creation ~Ceremony ~Daily Practices ~In the Moment Work Flows


Your Experience

Hand Touching Water



I invite seasoned professionals to a unique and immersive experience that will help them reclaim old parts of themselves and create meaningful ways of incorporating these yearnings into the world. With the support of professional guidance, the project amalgamates talk-focused therapy with somatic practices, creative languages, and ritual-based practices.


A Release of Expectations

I provide a revolutionary program that gives you the freedom to release yourself from expectations and outdated programming and replace them with more curiosity and exciting new ways of being in the world. By practicing being in love with your life again, you will be able to reconnect to what you left behind and integrate those parts back into your story.


Immersive Practicing

This is an immersive program that is not for everyone. We require a strong foundational practice in order for this work to begin. With limited space available, you will become part of something deeper than your resume.  You will be able to make extraordinary and meaningful changes in your life and for those that come after.


Program is available as a solo retreat or a weekday morning practice

Embracing the Work

This work requires a few truths before we can begin. We ask for a deeper commitment than most programs. This ensures that you are ready to experience this often difficult work.  We do not promise ease or comfort. In fact, we often promise some discomfort and hard work. So, to ensure this work is for you, we do a small exploration call together to weave a story of what is possible for you in the coming year. 



This program is successful only if you are accountable. The work is not done for you, the work comes between sessions, in the wee hours, in the hard acceptance of core truths.  I work closely with you to help you integrate this into your life but I cannot make that true for you.



We unpack hardships. You will experience many different types of grief including the weight of trauma. And, while we do not need to relive the traumatic events, we do need to be curious about the ripple effect they have had on our lives. Your curiosity and willingness to think differently are important in this work. 



Your willingness to create new pathways in your life is so important to the success of our time together. Our time together will be exciting, fun, heartbreaking, hard and so very much worth it.  Your commitment through the hard moments will lead to beautiful, passion-filled breakthroughs.

your commitment


Learn more about this interactive and experiential work by filling out our introductory questionnaire and booking your exploration call.


"You have this way of really getting to the core of the pain without making me relive the whole damn thing. I use my anger in healthy delicious ways that I never imagined possible."


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