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It's more than talk...we need to give the emotion somewhere to go.



What is your emotional legacy? You have worked so hard to get where you are yet you are longing to leave behind something more than a financial legacy. You want to develop and intentionally live inside of relationships, mend what you have not tended to and cultivate a legacy beyond finances. This project dives past expectations and makes room for all emotions.


These sessions come in multiple formats and can be experienced in different locations so you can integrate practices that deliver results.  We start with discussions and evolve into multiple modalities that encompass the practice, connection and integration required to reach your result.


After two decades of leading and consulting with teams on employee experiences, today I help leaders  cultivating grief inclusivity not only for each other but for their teams.

I offer occasional workshops and speak regularly at conferences across North America. With specialization in Healthcare, Social Enterprise and Frontline Response Teams.


I speak regularly at conferences and corporate events with one important mission. To cultivate conversations around grief, loss, passion and legacy. I love exploring opportunities to collaborate and create meaningful change. Please see my attached Speaker Sheet and reach in with any questions.


First and foremost, at the centre of this work is all the parts of you that have been ignored or forgotten.  My role in this is to ensure that those parts of you get integrated into the way you move forward. These parts present in many ways: Anger, Rage, Avoidance, Longing, Sadness, Regret, Shame, Isolation, and so many more.

And, while I am not big on making specific promises or outlining goals, what I can promise you is that this work, if honoured, will change the way you live each and everyday.  Many find them reconnecting with loved ones, settling inside big decisions or making significant changes to their lifestyle.

There is no one way to cultivate your grief, to define your version of masculinity or your innate femininity. There is power, however, in making room for these discussions and developing new practical ways of embracing your way forward.

I am here.

"This weekly experience was one of the most profound shifts in my life. It has not only changed the way I connect with my family and friends but has revolutionized the way I lead my organization. This is initiation. This is a rites of passage. I am and always will be grateful for this time."


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